Shoe Care

You wouldn’t buy a new car and never change the oil.

Your Adelante shoes are an investment. Whether this is your first pair or your fourth, proper shoe care will help ensure your Adelantes last a lifetime.


What is the first thing I should do when I get my shoes?

Waterproof your shoes. While we recommend that you avoid puddle jumping, waterproof spray will keep your shoes safe in the case of “Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain.”

We like nature and recommend natural waterproofing sprays with a Carnauba Wax (palm wax) base. Natural sprays will require more regular application, but they won’t clog leather pores like synthetic alternatives which translates into a longer, more supple shoe life. 

 To make it simple, try our Weather Protectant



What happens if I do get my shoes wet?

Start by towel drying your shoes. Next, insert cedar shoe trees (more on shoe trees below) to help maintain form while they dry. Once your shoes are dry, apply leather conditioner to reinvigorate and refresh.
What are shoe trees and why should I get them?

Shoe trees are, in fact, made from trees, the best of which are cedar. Shoe trees help maintain shoe shape over time, and will wick away moisture after a hot day’s wear.

A set of shoe trees will also keep your shoes smelling like a mountain forest rather than sweaty feet, which is a gift we can all appreciate. We recommend Rochester brand cedar shoe trees, purchasable online.

What does regular maintenance of my Adelantes entail?


Your shoes will naturally begin to show wear and accumulate scuffs with time. The key to keeping them in top form is regular cleaning and conditioning. Remove surface stains with a damp cloth. If the stain proves resilient, upgrade from water to spot cleaner.

We recommend spot cleaners with a balanced pH and Tea Tree Oil Extract base. 

After cleaning your shoes, leather conditioner is your go-to product. Conditioner helps smooth scuffs and moisturize your leather, keeping it soft and supple. Think of leather conditioner as lotion for your shoe skin. Apply leather conditioner monthly to ensure your shoes age with style, and more frequently in cases of heavy wear.

With any leather conditioner, we recommend a beeswax base with natural lipids.

To save some time searching, try our Leather Conditioner

What should I expect in terms of wear?

Adelante shoes are made to last. Of course, consistent use over time will inevitably cause the rubber outsole and heel cap to wear down. When outer sole or heel cap wear becomes visibly noticeable, you should take your shoes to your local cobbler and have the outsole replaced for ~$20. If you don’t know a good cobbler, contact us and we can point you in the right direction..