
I clambered aboard the Adelante ship nine months ago. I use the word “clambered” in this metaphor because I did not leap gracefully or commandeer with clear direction. The Adelante vessel had launched several months prior, and had set its course. While it was already sailing full steam ahead, I was thrown a line. With trepidation, uncertainty, and plenty of awkwardness, I grabbed hold of that line and pulled myself on board. It was the best decision I ever made.

Today, I am one of four members on Adelante’s founding team. Whenever I take a moment to zoom out and consider that reality, I am hit with a sensory overload that falls somewhere between panic and elation. What the hell am I doing? Have I completely lost my mind? I could be sitting at a desk in a stable 9-5 job, yet here I am building a pop-up shop at midnight on a Tuesday.

What was once incredulous terror has since dissolved into euphoria. Now, when I take a step back and think about the larger picture of what I’m doing, I feel absolutely exhilarated.

The truth is, I’m addicted to it. The energy, the people, the lifestyle. The opportunity to build something from the ground up. The power to affect real change in the world. The pressure of knowing that people are counting on me, and if I fall short, we might not succeed as a company.

My team constantly pushes me to be better. We challenge each other to acknowledge our weaknesses, be vulnerable, and think ambitiously. This kind of environment is hard to come by in today’s professional world, and I am so grateful to be a part of it.

The other day, I started my day at 6am to meet the team at our office (the Adelante early mornings definitely took some getting used to). I looked up after we had gone into a deep and lively discussion about our brand, thinking “ok, it’s probably about time for my 9am cup of coffee.” It was noon.

There is something thrilling about having no idea what time it is or what day of the week it is. Not once since I started with Adelante have I counted down to the weekend, or longingly stared at the clock watching minutes tick by. Every day we are working towards something much bigger than ourselves: a holistic customer journey that combines product customization with a connection to our craftsmen.

The Adelante ship is sailing fast in the direction of our vision. We’ve been through a few storms since I climbed aboard, and there will be more to come.  I’ve found my sea legs though, so seguimos Adelante.